Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Semi Detailed Lesson Plan in English 1

Lesson Plan in English

I.                   Objectives:
At the end of the period the students should be able to:
·         Read and understand the story “A Wise Judge”.
·         Answer questions about the story listened to.
·         Write a reflection about the story “A Wise Judge”.

II.                Subject Matter
Topic: “A Wise Judge”
Reference: Everybody English Reading 4, pp.103-105
Materials: Picture; hand-outs
Value: Making the right decision / Wise decision

III.             Procedure
Daily Routine
·         Prayer
·         Greetings
·         Checking of attendance
The teacher will show the picture of a judge.
What do you see in the picture?         (Allow different answers)
Who is he?                                          A Judge!
What is the job of a judge?                 He solved problems.
The teacher will say: Say: Judge is the one who makes the right decision when there is a conflict; the right person we should consult is the judge.
Motive Question: What is the problem between the merchant and the restaurant owner?

Story Reading: “The Wise Judge”
 Answering the Motive Question
Follow up questions:
1.      Who are the characters in the story?
2.      Why did the merchant ask for three fried eggs only?
3.      Why did he forget to pay for the eggs he ate?
4.      Why was the restaurant owner mad with the merchant?
5.      Why did the restaurant owner ask for fifty pesos for the three fried eggs?
6.      Where did they go to settle the matter?
7.      How did the Wise judge settle the matter?
8.      If you were the Judge, would you also do the same decision? Why?

IV.             Evaluation
The students will write a short reflection about the story “A Wise Judge”.

V.                Assignment
Make an advance reading of the poem “When Tomorrow Starts Without Me” by David M. Romano

Prepared by: David, Princess Sarah A.

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