Friday, September 13, 2024

My Favorite Teacher - Poem by Sarah David

My Favorite Teacher

by Sarah David

You are person, I every day meet

It would sad if you are not there and incomplete 



I wish you the best always

even though I am not in you side in many ways



Tuesday, October 17, 2023

HE KNOWS - Wedding Song

 He Knows

Words and music by Lolito Go

Additional lyrics by Almira Lat-Trinidad 

Performed by Almira Lat-Trinidad

Arranged by Iean Iñigo 

Mixed and Mastered by Jayr Bañez

He knows it's you I pray for

He know it's you I pray with

He knows it's you, my armour , 

my protector, my relief

He knows you are music, 

when silence brings me down

He knows you are the perfect fit

for the sould behind this gown

And as I walk down the aisle

I couldn't help but smile and cry

'cause He knows what just I needed in this life

All we know is He knows

And we follow His direction

Even though life is short

We'll share forever in salvation

Through this life and beyond

We will let His will be done

'cause He knows that I am yours

 and you are mine

He knows you are ny power

when I'm feeling weak and sad

He knows you are my harbor

that is just within arms reach

He knows us even better

Than we ever know ourselves

He knows that we have differences

But He pulls us back in place

When the road we take get rough

He knows that we can steer them back

and He is ever there 

to help us clear the path

All we know is He knows

And we follow His direction

Even though life is short

We'll share forever in salvation

Through this life and beyond

We will let His will be done

'cause He knows that I am yours

 and you are mine

We have made some mistakes

But He's there to tidy up our mess

We are blessed by His embrace

We'll serve together through His Grace

And I know and you know that He

knows and it shows

That with Faith our love

 withstood the blows

'Cause He knows that only you 

can see me through

And because of this 

I give you my "I do."

Wednesday, April 12, 2023


 Ikaw ang Lakas
(Ikaw ang Kusog)

Ikaw ang lakas ng puso
Kagalakan at sandigan ko
Dumating man ang problema
Walang makakapaghiwalay
Sa pag-ibig Mo sa amin na tunay
Walang kapantay

Gaano man kalayo ang langit
Pag-ibig Mo para sa lahat
Luluhod ako sa harapan Mo
At sasambahin ka, O aking Diyos

Gaano man kalayo ang langit
Pag-ibig Mo para sa lahat
Ikaw aking Diyos, ang kalakasan
ng aking puso. 

Saturday, January 1, 2022


 Sinagip Niya Akong may Sala

(To Rescue a Sinner Like Me)

Hindi ko unawa ang Diyos na banal

Nagpakababa sa kalagayan ko

Binigyang halaga sa bawat sandali

Sinagip Niya akong may sala

Kung aking iisipin, pagkabayubay Niya sa krus

Kung hindi sa Kanya, ako'y maliligaw

Buhay Niya'y ibinuwis

Sinagip Niya akong may sala


Sinagip Niya akong may sala

Oh Diyos

Sinagip Niya akong may sala

Lukluka'y nilisan, Kanyang kaharian

Sinagip Niya akong may sala

Di lubos ang unawa sa hiwaga

Pagkamatay Niya, muling pagkabuhay

Sinagip Niya akong may sala


Sinagip Niya akong may sala

Oh Diyos

Sinagip Niya akong may sala

Lukluka'y nilisan, Kanyang kaharian

Sinagip Niya akong may sala

Ang sagipin 'sang katulad kong makasalanan

Binigyan pa ng bagong awit

Mahirap unawain ngunit nangyari

Kay Hesus ang papuri natin, Purihin!


Sinagip Niya akong may sala

Oh Diyos

Sinagip Niya akong may sala

Lukluka'y nilisan, Kanyang kaharian

Sinagip Niya akong may sala

Lukluka'y nilisan, Kanyang kaharian

Sinagip Niya akong may sala

Sunday, May 10, 2020

What does the BIBLE says about HAIR COLOR?


Yes! The Bible does not exactly teach not to color your hair.
Matthew 5:36 (KJV) "Neither shalt thou swear by thy head because thou canst not make one hair white or black." It's clear that Jesus from the said verse is not speaking against people dying their hair. He is trying to say that we, as people do not have the ability to turn our hair from white to black nor from black to white.

But how bout what 2 Corinthians 6:17(KJV) "Wherefore come out from among them, and be ye separate, saith the Lord, and touch not the unclean thing; and I will receive you." The Bible does not clear imposed such law that we should not dye our hair but you as a believer, if you knew that the world used to dye their hair, you as a believer depart from them and be not with their doings.
It is like how the Bible doesn't explicitly say that you shouldn't have an abortion does not mean that it is right to do so. But the fact that the Bible says ''Thou shalt not kill'' it is obviously clear to us that we should not do also abortion because we know that it's also a form of killing. Same thing with coloring or dyeing of hair. If you truly a believer, a follower, and a servant of God, you'll not do what's wrong and not accepted in His sight. Instead, change and correct things that you once did that is wrong but now you know. Be just contented on what He has given you. I'll end this long post quoting a verse from Romans 12:2

"... be not conformed to this word:..,"


        I don't want to even see lukewarm Christians condemning me for choosing NOT to celebrate Halloween a PAGAN and SATANIC holiday that GOD HATES and calls ABOMINATION.  I have to capitalize on those words because some self-professing Christians apparently don't read God's does when it says to be separate from the world and abstain from evil.

     Halloween is the holiday of the devil. If you carve "I love Jesus" into a pumpkin, that doesn't make it any more Christian than if you had a bumper sticker that said the same thing. Your actions show whether or not you are a Christian. If you get angry over a post about Halloween, then maybe your God is not the Highest. Maybe SATAN is your god. You see, a real Christian who has been born again doesn't celebrate PAGAN holidays that praise sin and evil, which God hates and calls an abomination.

Call me a "party crasher" and "holier than thou" all you want. If that's what I am for wanting to follow God and not do what this WORLD calls RIGHT and FUN instead of HOLY and RIGHTEOUS, then so be it.
I see churches and ministers with no spiritual backbone promoting Halloween instead of condemning it and leading church members away from it.

Churches that are SPIRITUALLY DEAD!!
With preachers who are spiritually DEAD!!
Preaching lessons that are spiritually DEAD!!
To people who are spiritually DEAD!!
I'm praying for all of them!

Isaiah 5:20 (KJV)
    20 Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!
Psalm 94:16-17 (KJV)
    16 Who will rise up for me against the evildoers? or who will stand up for me against the workers of iniquity?

        Today, there is a lot of debate about "Halloween." Most people who say they are Christians but still celebrate say things like, "It's okay to have fun for the night" or "What's wrong with letting my child dress up for the night?" Instead of explaining with historical facts or records or the many Bible verses that could be used, I've found a short but quite direct way to politely reply. "It's not that you can't "enjoy yourselves for a night." It's that you need to have a renewed heart, mind, and soul so that the things you used to enjoy no longer make you happy because you can now see the truth about them. It's about "finding pleasure in knowing and telling the truth." It's about being committed to the maker and HIS truth instead of the lies and distractions of the world that keep you in the dark.

God gets all the credit!

My Favorite Teacher - Poem by Sarah David

My Favorite Teacher by Sarah David You are person, I every day meet It would sad if you are not there and incomplete  ______________________...